Aus 99 Kühe wird 600: Treffen der Kuh-Botschafter
Aus 99 Kühe wird 600: Treffen der Kuh-Botschafter
The Thanks to many sponsors, hundreds of families in Uganda have a sustainable income: More than 600 cows have been donated within two years. A great success of the project „MoreMilk for children in Uganda“, which is only possible with the commitment of so many people.
At the first Cow Ambassadors meeting in Hamburg, more than 75 sponsors were able to see for themselves the effectiveness of their donation: the project coordinator Sister Elisabeth Mwaka reported live in Hamburg about her work on site and gave very personal insights into her experiences. An evening filled with assurance of providing sustainable livelihood with a donation. And so 48 more cows were donated!
The project was initiated by our company founder Volkmar Wywiol. Started as a simple idea, it developed magnificently. Already with a donation of 270 Euro a mother in Uganda receives a milk cow, with the condition to give away the first calf to another family. A true self-help aid project.