“What makes us unique?”
“In preparation to our 40-year anniversary book I recently sent a mail to all of our employees. In it was a simple question: I wanted to know what makes us so special. I asked for everyone’s opinion, honestly and from their own perspective.
Are we really different, or do we just think we are? The answers were very inspiring. The friendly way people treat each other in the Stern-Wywiol family was mentioned frequently, as were Hanseatic virtues like dependability and the ability to partner; many also said that we are always an idea ahead of the competition.”
Torsten Wywiol
CEO of the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe
and diversity
We work to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. Here, we want everyone to have the same opportunities, regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, age, etc. We say the same thing to everyone: Welcome to the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe.